




Phishing protection

Cybercrime is ever-evolving and phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated. As a direct result, the risk of being susceptible to cybercrime is at an all-time high. Our phishing protection services deliver a formidable defence against phishing attacks with its smart, innovative and automated AI technology. Coupled with a unique user awareness experience, our solutions will boost employee vigilance and arm you with the powerful technology you need to stand guard over your business credentials.

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Prevent and avoid phishing attacks

Phishing is a deceptive cyber attack technique used by malicious individuals or groups to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card details, or personal data. It involves sending fraudulent emails, messages, or links that appear to be from legitimate sources, to trick employees into revealing sensitive information. These deceptive communications will employ urgent or enticing language to manipulate recipients into clicking on malicious links, downloading malware, or providing their confidential information.

Cybercrime is ever-evolving and phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated. As a direct result, the risk of being susceptible to cybercrime is at an all-time high, and you employees pose a high risk to cyber security if not equipped with the right education and preventative measures.

Phishing protection services target human vulnerabilities within a business, educating, testing and shielding them from phishing attacks. Our email security, content filtering, scanning, training and Phish999 services deliver a formidable defence against phishing attacks with its smart, innovative and automated AI technology, that deploys phishing prevention methods and couples with a detailed education programme that teaches your employees how to spot phishing attacks.

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Prevent phishing attacks

Phishing protection services

It takes powerful phishing protection services to defend your organisation against rapidly evolving email threats. Our phishing prevention service deploys measures and strategies to protect your organisation from falling victim to phishing attacks and educate employees about emerging cyber security threats.

Our phishing protection services our phishing protection involves implementing robust security measures, such as email filters, spam detection, and multi-factor authentication, to detect and block phishing attempts. Powered by AI learning tools, these solutions are fully automated and learn with every new threat, ensuring that the software grows in line with evolving threats.

Additionally, we aim aim to educate your employees with regular security awareness training. Employee awareness and GDPR training will teach staff about the common signs of phishing attempts and impact that potential data breaches will have on your organisation, helping to build a culture of cyber security awareness amongst employees.

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Phishing protection services

Benefits of phishing protection for business

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Threat scanning

Our phishing protection services scan for any irregular or suspicious content in inbound email content and attachments, comparing them to trusted profiles in order to detect malicious attacks and keep your employees protected from potential cyber-attacks.

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Enhanced reporting

The web-based dashboard delivered by Phish999 gives you a comprehensive overview, detailed reports and invaluable insights into your communications security. With real-time performance metrics, you can see where phishing attacks have occurred and take further action to prevent them.

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Automated protection

The powerful AI uses data collected from robust analysis of your business’s email communications to create profiles of trusted relationships. It then compares incoming emails to these profiles to automatically detect and prevent email attacks.

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Educate employees

Phishing protection provides active warning banner on suspicious company emails. The banner will tell your employees why the message was flagged, and give you the option of looking at it safely to make your final determination. these measure can also be combined with regular training measures to ensure you employees are aware of potential threats.

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Cost savings

Data breaches, ransomware attacks and scams are a looming threat and can prove costly to businesses should they fall victim to attacks. Ensuring you have preventative measures in place and the right levels of cyber security training can result in large cost savings for any organisation, by mitigating the risks of falling victim to cybercrime you avoid potential fines and potential scams.

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SIEM integration

Phish999 integrates seamlessly with your security information and event management systems, ensuring all your detection, analytics and prevention measure can all be found and monitored in one place. This allows for quick action around any potential data breaches, reducing the time between incident and response, where time is critical to reducing the impact of any breach.

Features of phishing email protection

Phish999 automated phishing protection

Phish999 - AI automated phishing alerts

Phish999 is an automated protection service which identifies any suspicious content, new or untrusted external email sources, impersonation attempts and any potentially malicious links or attachments.

Coupled with a unique user awareness experience, our phishing prevention will boost employee vigilance and arm you with the powerful technology you need to stand guard over your business credentials.

If any potentially damaging emails are discovered, Phish999 will alert the recipient and your employees can either report the email or mark as safe. Phish999 uses AI to learn from such actions and adjusts its filters accordingly to recognise future threats.

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Email scanning and reporting

Phish999 phishing protection provides targeted email threat detection which scans the inboxes of all your employees in order to defend against spear-phishing, ransomware, impersonation and other such targeted attacks. The targeted email threat protection scans the inboxes of all your employees in order to defend against spear-phishing, ransomware, impersonation and other such targeted attacks.

Phish999 also provides a built in reporting capability so that action can be taken to flag and block suspicious email addresses and delete any emails that have been sent with malicious intent. The AI tool will learn from reported emails, further analysing the reporting communications to build a database of attacks across organisations and storing them to recognise future phishing attempts.

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Email Scanning And Reporting
Email security phishing protection services

Email security and spam filters

Email security is a critical concern for businesses in today's digital landscape. A key player in phishing protection, it is essential to implement robust email security measures to protect sensitive information and maintain the integrity of communication channels.

Our email security helps prevent phishing attacks through email security spam filters and automated tools that analyse emails and block potential threats before they reach the mailboxes of employees. By analysing various factors such as sender reputation, content analysis, and user feedback, our phishing prevention software can effectively reduce the risk of phishing attacks, malware distribution, and other malicious activities your employees may encounter in their mailbox.

Focus Group's all-in-one phishing protection services for email security offers advanced features including URL protect, attachment protect, impersonation protect and browser isolation. A world-leading solution to email security, we offer unrivalled protection from viruses and any emerging threats.

Email security >

Web security and content filtering

Web content filtering and web security measures play a crucial role in our phishing protection services. Web content filtering allows us to setup restricted access to certain websites or content categories based on predefined policies. By implementing web content filtering, we block access to known phishing websites or suspicious domains, reducing the chances of employees falling victim to online phishing attempts.

In addition to web content filtering, our web security also deploys browsing protocols, analyses SSL certificates, and crawls websites to identify potentially malicious web content and provide warnings to users or block sites that are flagged as potentially dangerous.

Web security and content filtering >

Web security phishing prevention
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Frequently asked questions

Phishing protection are measures and strategies implemented to safeguard individuals and organisations against phishing attacks. To strengthen protection against cybercriminals we suggest using a combination of technological solutions, employee education, and best practices to detect and prevent phishing attempts. Phishing protection services aim to identify and block fraudulent emails, websites, or messages that attempt to deceive users into providing personal or sensitive information or . This can include the use of email filters, web filters, and anti-malware software to detect and block phishing attempts. Additionally, educating employees about phishing indicators, promoting password policies, and encouraging analytical behaviour towards communications are crucial components of phishing protection. By implementing robust phishing protection measures, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks.

To protect your business phishing attacks there are a number of different phishing protection measures that can be deployed to mitigate the risk posed by cybercriminals.

Firstly, employee education and training are crucial. Regularly conduct phishing training programs to educate employees about the risks of email and message communications and how to identify suspicious emails or messages. Encourage them to be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.

Secondly, implement strong security measures such as multi-factor authentication, robust firewalls, and up-to-date antivirus software to prevent unauthorised access.

Additionally, regularly update and patch software and operating systems to address any vulnerabilities. Implement email filters and spam detection systems to identify and block phishing attempts.

Its vert important to encourage employees to report any suspicious emails or incidents promptly to your service provider or internal support teams. You should always establish incident response protocols to quickly address and mitigate any successful phishing attacks. By combining employee awareness, technological safeguards, and proactive measures, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks.

There are a number of common indicators when trying to spot if an email is and phishing attempt:

  1. Suspicious or unfamiliar sender: The email or message you have received comes from an unknown address and originates from outside your organisation, you should also always double check to see if the sender's email address may be slightly altered or misspelled.
  2. Urgency or fear tactics: Phishing attempts often create a sense of urgency, using fear tactics to prompt immediate action. They may claim that your account will be closed or that you urgently need to reset your password. We recommend always consulting your service provider or IT manager about these sorts of emails.
  3. Poor grammar and spelling: Phishing emails often contain grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. This is often a sign of an unprofessional or fraudulent communication, especially if it is coming from an email pretending to be a business.
  4. Request for personal information: Phishing attempts often ask for personal or sensitive information, such as passwords, social security numbers, or credit card details. No legitimate business will ever request this information over message or email so we suggest contacting the business directly if it appears to be a legitimate business and always flagging the email to your service provider or IT manager.
  5. Suspicious links or attachments: Phishing emails may contain links that redirect you to fake websites or attachments that could contain malware. Always be cautious of clicking on any links or downloading attachments if you are unsure of the sender or if the link on the document is sending your to an unknown source.
  6. Unusual requests or offers: Phishing attempts may include unusual requests, such as asking for money or offering unexpected rewards. Be sceptical of such requests and we suggest always contacting people inside the business directly if being asked to pay invoices or distribute funds.

Remember, these indicators are only the basic means of phishing protection, and phishing techniques are constantly evolving. It is important to deploy effective training and reliable software to truly mitigate the risks associated with phishing emails.

Phishing attacks pose a significant risk to businesses due to their potential to cause financial loss, reputational damage, and data breaches. When successful, attackers can gain unauthorized access to business systems, compromise confidential information, and exploit it for malicious purposes. This can lead to financial fraud, identity theft, or even the compromise of customer data, resulting in legal and regulatory consequences. Moreover, phishing attacks can tarnish a business's reputation, erode customer trust, and impact its brand image. Employees falling victim to phishing attacks can also disrupt business operations, leading to downtime and loss of productivity. Therefore, businesses must remain vigilant, educate employees about phishing risks, and implement robust security measures to mitigate this ever-present threat.

In a business, individuals who are most vulnerable to phishing attacks are typically employees who handle personal or sensitive information, such as customer data or financial records. These employees may include executives, finance personnel, IT administrators, and customer service representatives. However, it is important to note that anyone within a business can potentially be targeted by phishing attacks, as cybercriminals often exploit human vulnerabilities rather than specific job roles. It is crucial for all employees to be educated about cybersecurity best practices and to remain vigilant in order to mitigate the risk of phishing attacks. Additional phishing prevention methods such as email security, alters and spam filters will also help to strengthen business defences against phishing attacks.

Phishing awareness amongst employees is crucial for businesses due to the significant risks posed by phishing attacks. These attacks can lead to data breaches, financial losses, reputational damage, and legal consequences. By training employees about phishing protection measures, businesses can empower them to recognise and report phishing attempts, drastically reducing the likelihood of falling victim to cybercrime. Phishing awareness training helps employees understand the tactics used by cybercriminals and teaches them to identify common indicators of phishing attempts. By adopting a strong culture of vigilance and equipping employees with the knowledge to identify and respond to phishing attempts, businesses can enhance their overall cyber security posture and protect their valuable assets.

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