




Hybrid cloud services

Wherever you are on your cloud journey, we’ll help you determine the right strategy for your business. Whether you’re looking to modernise your data centre, migrate to the public cloud – or both – our innovative cloud services enable you to sustainably unlock value and agility using public, private, multi or hybrid cloud.

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End to end cloud adoption with an industry expert

Focus Group’s end-to-end approach accelerates risk-free cloud adoption built around rigorous availability, security, connectivity and reliability standards. Because we work with world-leading cloud technology providers like Microsoft, we’re able to create hyper-connected and highly dynamic hybrid cloud environments that unify your infrastructure and free your data. We define strategy based on your desired outcomes and help you move to a centralised, standardised model.

We’ll work with you to clarify the complex, facilitate change and execute an accelerated cloud transformation strategy. After which, we’ll help you manage and optimise your cloud environments, introducing incremental modernisation changes to provide greater visibility, access, protection and control as your business evolves. Standardisation improves security and transparency, enabling you to control access, achieve compliance and keep costs down.

Through audits, adoption workshops and best practice reviews, Focus Group can help you migrate and consolidate your cloud presence, drawing on our industry expertise to improve your every engagement through the cloud.

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The benefits of a hybrid cloud solution

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First we assess your existing workloads and get to grips with your drivers for change. After which, we plan, design and deploy a landing zone, implementing all the resources required for a successful cloud migration. That includes establishing cloud governance and secure cloud connectivity.

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We migrate your first workloads and develop a best practice strategy that includes a review of your existing environments. We then implement your migration strategy.

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We continually assess your infrastructure for new modernisation opportunities, exploring ways to adopt cloud technologies that will reduce cost, improve performance and security. That includes continually optimising your environment and governance and providing the ongoing support and management you need.

The right cloud adoption solutions for you

Many businesses don’t fully realise the benefits of moving to the cloud, finding it too expensive, too cumbersome and open to security risk. Focus Group can help you migrate to the Cloud and modernise when you get there. We work with clients at all stages of cloud adoption:


Companies that are looking to reduce their on-premise services and to implement automation and best practice to maintain existing applications, need a well-designed cloud platform. Whether you have three servers or three thousand, we can create a shared space that will safely house all your company’s workloads and data as your business grows. A virtual Data Centre, hosted in the cloud, is the perfect landing zone for all your networking, identity, management and security. Focus Group can help you securely migrate to the cloud for the first time, keeping costs down.

Evaluate your future workload migrations with our free Cloud Migration Assessment. Gain cost insights, sustainability rewards and receive expert advice on finding the most efficient ways to utilise resources.

Cloud Migration Assessment
End To End Cloud Adoption
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Focus Group
Trusted Cloud Services Providers


If your current cloud experience consists of multiple platforms built by multiple people at different times and to different standards, then you are probably already feeling the frustration that can come when you don’t have a defined cloud strategy. Over time, orphan resources left from half-finished projects, redundancies and inconsistent security protocol introduces unnecessary complexity. Focus Group will help you harness the right platform, extending your infrastructure and improving your operational agility and efficiency.

Assess your current cloud environment with our Azure Best Practice Audit. Benchmark your platform against industry best practice, identify security, governance and compliance risks and create a trusted roadmap for future cloud adoption.

Azure Best Practice Audit


Organisations that have relied on the cloud for a while, need an advanced strategy to develop a cloud Centre of Excellence. With heavily customised applications and inhouse developers working with a plethora of tools to store code and passwords, there’s a need to modernise your cloud capabilities, embrace automation and bring consistency to your DevOps. Focus Group can help you align activity, putting guardrails in place to ensure your DevOps team has the resources it needs along with a secure space to store code and a process for testing within an approved release cycle. Agile processes allow you to scale in the most cost-effective way, with access to resources that may not have been available to you before. Focus Group acts as your cloud operations team enabling your developers to build software more securely and respond quickly to the needs of the business.

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The Right Hybrid Cloud Solutions For Your Needs

Our cloud services

Every company is now a data company. To make better use of your data you need a platform that allows you to ingest data, process, manipulate and present it in the best possible way, incorporating AI and machine learning to benefit your business. Whether you use the cloud for finance, CRM or software development, Focus Group manages the ever-changing platform, handling integration changes and retiring and maintaining your vital cloud operations.

Mature your use of the cloud through our services:


Virtual Data Centre

Deploy workloads to the cloud easily and securely

Create a best practice cloud platform to securely migrate, host and access traditional apps and data.

Cloud Builder

Create and implement a cloud strategy

Including strategic workshops, migration planning, landing zone and platform build and workload migration.

Cloud Adoption

Bespoke professional service to enhance your cloud usage and deliver a strategy

Improve security, connectivity, performance and cost management.


DevOps and automation

Create a governed platform delivery strategy

Increase the efficiency of your cloud environment by creating a set of processes to support development teams.

Data Platform

Design, build and ongoing support of cloud data platforms

Create a cloud native platform for data ingestion, processing, storage, governance and presentation.


Utilise cloud native technologies to improve application security and performance

Provide a lower cost, more secure and easier to manage underlay to your existing applications.

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Frequently asked questions

Developing a cloud strategy begins with outlining your key technical and business objectives. Once you’ve identified your key drivers, you’ll be able to decide if your cloud strategy should include public, private or hybrid cloud solutions.

Hybrid cloud is a cloud computing architecture that combines public cloud, private cloud or third-party services and on-premises services. The resulting IT environment provides a greater degree of flexibility and access to computing power when needed, while enabling companies to keep their private data protected with an on-premises firewall.

There’s no single defined structure for hybrid cloud architecture and companies can combine public cloud services with private infrastructure in a variety of ways. When a business chooses hybrid cloud it shares its data across the public and private infrastructure and the IT needed to keep this data in sync requires specialist management tools.

Without reliable connectivity, however, hybrid cloud can’t function. Most hybrid clouds rely on virtual private networks (VPNs) to encrypt traffic between various clouds and on-premises infrastructure, along with wide area networks (WANs) that provide safter and more reliable connectivity. Finally, application programming interfaces (APIs) connect applications and databases across clouds.

Multicloud is the use of cloud services from more than one cloud vendor. This can be as simple as using software-as-a-service (SaaS) but in the enterprise, it typically refers to using platform-as-a-service (PaaS) or infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) from multiple cloud service providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform. The benefits of a multicloud approach are that cloud services can be combined, based on the price, performance, security and compliance needs of an individual business. Plus, organisations can rapidly adopt ‘best of breed’ technologies as they emerge, rather than being tied to the functionality offered by a single vendor at a given time.

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Customer stories

Suez Tile


Suez turned to Focus Group to implement a next gen infrastructure to pack a powerful punch across a broad network of sites.

Acs International Schools Tile

ACS International Schools

ACS conducted a vast amount of research prior to selecting Focus Group as a technology partner to deliver a leading Cisco network.

Fatface Tile


Focus Group strategical migrated FatFace away from a legacy infrastructure to an improved cloud-based solution.

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