




Penetration & vulnerability testing hub

Thinking about having a pen test? Take a look at some of our helpful resources below to find out more about our services, how it can benefit your business and how easy it is to get started.

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What is penetration testing?

What is pen testing
Focus Group
Man looking at computer monitor with laptop to his left

Benefits of penetration testing

Benefits of pen testing
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Woman typing on laptop at desk

Types of penetration testing

Types of pen testing
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Man looking at graph on computer monitor

Phases of penetration testing

Phases of pen testing

Penetration testing for business

As an essential component of a robust cyber security strategy, a vulnerability assessment involves investigating, identifying and evaluating potential weaknesses in your business systems, applications and network infrastructure to prioritise security measures and mitigates cyber threats.

Penetration testing is another fantastic cyber tool used by our cyber experts to simulate real-world attacks, enabling us to assess the effectiveness of a business’s existing defences and highlighting vulnerabilities that may go unnoticed during regular assessments.

By combining both practices, businesses can gain comprehensive insights into their security posture, strengthen defences and proactively address potential threats before they are exploited.

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Security testing features

Comprehensive report

The reports you will receive will include an executive summary, methodology used, scope of the testing, detailed descriptions of vulnerabilities identified, their potential impact, and recommendations for remediation to help prevent the possibility of falling victim to a cyber attack or any data loss.

Recurring or individual test

Choosing between recurring or individual penetration tests depends on the specific needs and circumstances of your business. Recurring pentests provide regular assessments of your security measures, whereas individual pentests, while not as frequent, offer a more in-depth examination conducted at specific intervals or before critical events.

Global team

Our penetration testing service is carried out by highly skilled professionals who demonstrate diverse expertise and industry knowledge, enabling them to effectively assess and identify vulnerabilities in business systems. Their collective experience and continuous training ensure that they stay updated with the latest attack techniques and defence strategies.

AI scanning tool

Our vulnerability scanning services are enhanced by state-of-the-art AI scanning tools. Identifying patterns, anomalies and potential security gaps, the AI scanning process provides a thorough cyber assessment, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your systems' security, enabling us to deliver accurate and actionable insights.


By conducting thorough assessments, we help ensure that business systems align with relevant compliance frameworks. Our penetration testing service identifies potential vulnerabilities in your business network, allowing you to address them proactively and meet the necessary security standards which not only helps protect sensitive data but demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a secure environment for your clients, partners and regulatory authorities.

Why choose Focus Group?

Focus Group is the best place to come to join up the entirety of your business technology. For us, cyber security is just one part of a larger puzzle, helping your business to not only be protected, but allow you to focus on growing your business without anything to hold you back. Our teams are professional, dedicated and wide-reaching, meaning that no matter what your business needs, or where you are in the country, we’ll be there to help.

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Frequently asked questions

The number of cyber-attacks is rising at a dramatic rate, putting any company which relies on technology at risk. Pen testing identifies and mitigates cybersecurity risks before they are exploited, allowing you to implement informed security upgrades to minimise the possibility of successful attacks.

Penetration testing otherwise know as ‘pen testing’, is a proactive cyber security practice that simulates real-world cyber-attacks to identify vulnerabilities in business systems, networks and applications. Following a pen test, businesses can implement a number of vulnerability patches to prevent attacks and strengthen business-wide security posture.

Pen testing is a professional ethical hacker attempting to exploit vulnerabilities in a business’s network infrastructure to assess its security and identify potential weaknesses.

The six steps of penetration testing include preparation, development of an attack plan, the implementation of a cyber team, determination of the type of attack, implementation of the test and finally the results and report.

The type of hacking techniques used will depend on the infrastructure and operations of your business, your IT systems and your company standards. It is a complicated approach but Focus Group harness the combined power of the latest automated software programs, human testing techniques and powerful to develop the right approach for you.

The key difference between vulnerability scanning and penetration testing is that vulnerability scanning identifies known vulnerabilities, while penetration testing goes further by actively exploiting vulnerabilities to assess their impact and identify potential risks.

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Customer stories

Bayern Lb Tile


BayernLB engaged Focus Group to improve its connectivity, optimise productivity and enhance its working environment.

Somerset House logo

Somerset House

Focus Group guided Somerset House through the adoption of a cloud-first strategy to enable a future-proof digital transformation.

Yeo Valley Tile

Yeo Valley

Focus Group has been a trusted partner of Yeo Valley for over 15 years, driving the brand forward with Cisco technologies.

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