




What is a cloud migration strategy?

The cloud refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet, along with the software and databases that operate on those servers, housed in data centres around the globe. This system allows businesses and individuals to utilise extensive computing capabilities without the need to maintain physical infrastructure.

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Cloud migration strategies and process

Originally gaining traction in the early 2000s, cloud computing saw enterprises like Amazon offering services that enabled other businesses to benefit from shared computing resources. The concept has roots going back to the 1960s, but it was the maturation of the internet that truly enabled cloud computing to evolve into the powerhouse it is today.

For businesses, the cloud is invaluable due to its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. It enables quick deployment of IT resources, allows businesses to easily adjust their resource usage in response to demand fluctuations, and reduces costs through a pay-for-what-you-use model. Additionally, the cloud enhances collaboration across locations, improves disaster recovery capabilities, and provides access to cutting-edge technology, making it a critical tool for business growth and operational efficiency.

Given these complexities and the potential impact on every facet of a business, having a well-defined strategy for cloud migration is essential. A strategic approach ensures that the migration is aligned with specific business goals, addresses technical and regulatory challenges head-on, and maximises the return on investment while minimising disruption to ongoing operations. This strategic planning is crucial for leveraging cloud advantages effectively and ensuring that the transition supports long-term business success.

Benefits of cloud migration >

Three people looking at laptop while around a desk

Why should I move to the cloud?

Cost efficiency

Reduce IT expenses with a pay-as-you-go model that eliminates the need for upfront hardware investments and ongoing maintenance costs.

Enhanced flexibility and scalability

Quickly adjust IT resources up or down based on current business needs, providing a competitive edge in responsiveness.

Improved collaboration

Enable real-time document sharing and editing from anywhere, facilitating better teamwork across different locations and time zones.

Robust security and compliance

Benefit from advanced security features and compliance with regulatory standards, often exceeding those of on-premises setups.

Disaster recovery and data loss prevention

Leverage built-in redundancy and backup solutions to protect data and ensure continuity in case of disasters.

Access to advanced technologies

Utilise the latest in AI, machine learning, and analytics without significant initial investments, enhancing business insights and operations.

Streamlined IT management

Shift the burden of managing physical infrastructure to the cloud provider, freeing up IT staff to focus on strategic initiatives that add business value.

How to prepare for cloud migration

Preparing for cloud migration is a critical step that involves several key activities to ensure a successful transition. Here's a detailed guide on how to gear up for moving your business operations to the cloud:

Assess your current situation

  • Audit existing infrastructure: Start by conducting a thorough assessment of your current IT infrastructure. Identify what hardware, software, and data you currently have, how they are used, and their performance levels.
  • Define business objectives: Understand why you want to move to the cloud—whether it’s to reduce costs, increase scalability, improve disaster recovery, or enhance flexibility. This will help determine which cloud services and models best align with your goals.
  • Identify cloud readiness: Evaluate which applications and workloads can be moved to the cloud seamlessly, and which might require re-architecting or major modifications before migration.
Three people sitting around a table looking at documents

Choose your cloud environment

  • Select a cloud model: Decide between public, private, or hybrid cloud models based on your business needs, security requirements, and budget constraints.
  • Pick a cloud provider: Research and select a cloud provider who can meet your specific needs in terms of technology, security standards, compliance, and cost.
  • Plan for multi-cloud or single cloud: Consider whether a single-cloud provider will meet all your needs or if a multi-cloud strategy would provide better flexibility and risk management.
Corner of glass building with clouds in sky

Migrate apps and data

  • Prioritise migration components: Decide the order in which data, applications, and services will be moved based on their business criticality and cloud readiness.
  • Develop a migration plan: Outline detailed steps for migrating each component, including timelines, responsibilities, risk management strategies, and contingency plans.
  • Use migration tools and services: Leverage tools and services offered by cloud providers or third-party vendors that can automate and simplify the migration process.
Back of woman looking at computer monitor in office

Monitoring post-migration

  • Implement monitoring tools: Set up cloud monitoring tools to track performance, usage, and costs. This will help ensure that your cloud environment is optimised for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Continuous assessment and optimisation: Regularly assess the cloud setup to ensure it meets your business requirements. Be prepared to make adjustments to configurations, services, and resources as your business needs evolve.
  • Establish a feedback loop: Collect feedback from end-users about the cloud experience. This information is invaluable for troubleshooting issues and further refining your cloud environment.
Person with red shirt typing on computer keyboard

Cloud computing migration strategy

A well-planned cloud computing migration strategy is essential for a successful transition to the cloud. This strategy involves a series of deliberate steps and considerations designed to optimise the effectiveness of the cloud for your specific business needs. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how to craft a robust cloud migration strategy:


This approach involves making significant changes to the application design to take full advantage of cloud-native features and capabilities. It is often used when businesses need to add features, scale, or improve performance that would otherwise be difficult to achieve in the application’s existing environment.


Often referred to as “lift, tinker, and shift,” this involves making a few optimisations to leverage the cloud without a full redesign. This might include using the cloud provider’s managed database services instead of self-managed databases.


Moving to a different product, which often means moving from a traditional on-premise licence to a cloud-based subscription. This could also involve changing to an entirely new software that better meets the business’s needs.


Commonly known as “lift and shift,” this strategy involves moving applications and data to the cloud without modifications. It is generally the fastest migration approach, though it may not allow businesses to fully exploit the cost efficiencies of the cloud.


Similar to rehost, but specifically involves moving virtual machines (VMs) as they are from on-premises to the cloud. This is often used when using infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offerings.


Choosing to keep some applications or components on-premises, usually because they are tightly integrated with non-movable systems or because there are regulatory and compliance issues that prevent cloud migration.


Identifying IT assets that are no longer useful and can be decommissioned. This helps focus resources only on those that are truly beneficial and needed.

Migrating to the cloud with Focus Group

At Focus Group, we recognise that while cloud migration offers transformative potential, it also requires careful navigation to avoid common pitfalls. That's why we are dedicated to simplifying the migration process for our clients. Our team of experts is equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to ensure your move to the cloud is smooth and stress-free. We provide personalised consultations to fully understand your business needs and tailor our approach accordingly, ensuring a seamless integration with minimal disruption.

Our comprehensive services include thorough planning, efficient execution, and ongoing support to address any challenges that arise post-migration. By choosing Focus Group, you gain a partner committed to maximising the benefits of the cloud for your business. We help you overcome the obstacles of adoption and training, manage compliance issues effectively, and mitigate any potential downtime. With Focus Group, your journey to the cloud isn’t just simpler—it’s a strategic step towards future-proofing your business.

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Customer stories

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A4G partnered with Focus Group to get them connected on a secure and reliable network which delivered powerful results.

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Brewers, with over 150 retail locations, streamlined its network services in order to provide an enhanced customer experience.

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Unite the Union

Focus Group transitioned the union’s mobile service to smart phone technology to empower a mobile workforce and cut costs.

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