




Our Digital Transformation process

Embarking on a digital transformation journey on your own is akin to navigating a maze blindfolded. Every company, regardless of its size, industry, or current technological prowess, requires a thorough assessment of its inner workings to determine the starting point, initial implementation steps, and the creation of an ongoing plan for maintenance and support.

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Transform your business with Focus Group

It's crucial to grasp that a digital transformation isn't a destination; it's a perpetual odyssey. Technology is in a continuous state of flux, and a company's needs may shift with the influx of new personnel or evolving objectives. Hence, periodically scrutinising your company's infrastructure to identify opportunities for technological enhancement becomes imperative.

But fear not, for with Focus Group, you're not venturing into the labyrinth alone. Picture us as your digital transformation Yoda, guiding you through the tangled web of technological advancements, assisting you in pinpointing the perfect solutions for your predicaments. Whether you're aiming to boost your team's productivity or bridge the gap between hybrid work models and customer engagement, we're here to cut through the jargon and deliver tangible solutions.

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Woman sitting down while looking at laptop on her lap
Group of people in an office looking and pointing at each other

What is a digital transformation?

A digital transformation involves the metamorphosis of a company's technological landscape, propelling it into the modern era and fortifying it against future challenges. This change encompasses the modernisation of connectivity, telephone systems, cyber security measures, and team collaboration tools. Essentially, anything that enhances and streamlines business operations can be part of a digital transformation.

The surge in the popularity of digital transformations can be attributed to a simple yet profound reality: the relentless influx of new technologies necessitates a more frequent update cycle. What used to be a once-in-a-decade overhaul has now become a biennial ritual for many companies. Consequently, businesses feel compelled to undertake continual transformations to stay abreast of trends and outpace competitors.

The benefits of a digital transformation are manifold, though often challenging to quantify without diligent monitoring. However, most businesses typically witness enhanced team productivity, reduced time spent on manual tasks, and improved connectivity – all critical components for a company eyeing expansion in the future.

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The steps

Our meticulously crafted steps for digital transformation are designed to ensure not only optimal upgrades from the outset but also continuous support throughout your journey. These steps include:


At this juncture, we engage with your team to identify the pain points within your business and propose tailored solutions. This phase is all about gathering comprehensive data to ensure a bespoke service. In the subsequent section, we'll delve deeper into what this entails and how we tailor solutions to meet your specific needs.

Digital Transformation Scope
Digital Transformation Create


Here, we curate the best technological solutions for your business, packaging them into a coherent strategy. Collaborating closely with your team, we prioritise implementation strategies, identifying key areas for immediate focus. This phase also allows for the removal or suspension of certain elements deemed unnecessary or impractical.


Now, the real excitement begins as we introduce the chosen technologies into your business environment. Rigorous testing ensures seamless integration, while comprehensive staff training minimises disruptions. Throughout this phase, we meticulously document successes and challenges encountered.

Digital Transformation Implement
Digital Transformation Maintain


Our commitment to excellence extends beyond implementation. We work tirelessly to optimise processes, scheduling regular updates and consultations with your team. This proactive approach not only maximises the impact of the digital transformation but also identifies opportunities for further enhancements.


Even after the new technologies are fully integrated, we remain steadfast allies, ensuring smooth sailing for your business. Our vigilant support includes monitoring for potential issues and scouting for new upgrades in existing tech. Whether you're contemplating scaling up or simply seeking to stay ahead of the curve, we're here to devise cost-effective solutions that propel you forward.

Digital Transformation Support

How we scope your business

Before embarking on any digital transformation journey, it's imperative to gain a thorough understanding of your business landscape. At Focus Group, we employ a meticulous scoping process to ensure that every aspect of your organisation is carefully considered. Here's how we go about it:

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Nature of your business

Understanding the core functions of your business provides invaluable insights into the specific challenges and opportunities you face. We delve into the intricacies of your operations, from sales and marketing to customer service and beyond.

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Employee dynamics

The composition of your workforce is a crucial factor in shaping our approach. We assess the number of employees in your organisation and how they interact with each other and with technology. Additionally, we explore the nuances of remote work, identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement.

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Physical locations

Whether you operate from a single office or have multiple branches across the globe, we take stock of your physical footprint. This allows us to tailor solutions that seamlessly integrate with your existing infrastructure while accommodating any geographical constraints.

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Technology landscape

We delve deep into your current tech stack, identifying the tools and systems that drive your business forward. Understanding the significance of each technology and its role in your operations enables us to recommend enhancements and optimisations that align with your strategic objectives.

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Critical technologies

Certain technologies play a pivotal role in supporting your business objectives. We explore the importance of these technologies to your operations, discerning their impact on efficiency, productivity, and overall performance.

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Additional details

Beyond the surface-level inquiries, we invite you to share any additional details or concerns regarding your current setup. Whether it's legacy systems that need to be phased out or compliance requirements that must be met, no detail is too small for our consideration.

Popular products to kick off your digital transformation

Embarking on a digital transformation journey requires a strategic selection of technologies that align with your business goals and operational needs. At Focus Group, we offer a suite of popular products to kick off your transformation journey on the right foot. Here's a closer look at these essential offerings:

Why choose Focus Group

When it comes to selecting a partner for your digital transformation journey, Focus Group emerges as the clear choice. With a team of seasoned experts deeply entrenched in the realm of business technology, we bring unparalleled expertise to the table. Our commitment to excellence is exemplified by our round-the-clock support, ensuring that your systems remain operational and optimised at all times. Moreover, our proactive approach to staying abreast of the latest technological advancements ensures that you have access to cutting-edge solutions that propel your business forward in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

With Focus Group as your partner, you'll have the expertise, support, and resources you need to navigate the complexities of technology and achieve your business objectives with confidence.

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Customer stories

Sccc Logo

Sussex County Cricket Club

While the team focus on their performance on the pitch, Focus Group focus on providing essential technology services to the club.

Coty Tile


Focus Group has been working with Coty for over a decade now, to deliver essential business technology, as its Cisco partner of choice.

Somerset House logo

Somerset House

Focus Group guided Somerset House through the adoption of a cloud-first strategy to enable a future-proof digital transformation.

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