




IoT Dashcam solutions

Welcome to Focus Group’s Dashcam solutions: Where IoT connectivity is utilised to improve the safety, security and efficiency of your business on the move.

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Taking the Internet of Things (IoT) on the road

In today's fast-paced world, where safety and efficiency are paramount, fleet dashcams have emerged as essential tools for businesses. These intelligent devices do much more than just record video footage: they provide a critical layer of security, reduce liability and offer a wealth of data to optimise fleet operations. Dashcams play a pivotal role in promoting safe driving habits and preventing accidents on the road. They are a testament to your commitment to the safety of your drivers and the security of your assets.

Our fleet dashcam solutions are tailor-made to support your business. By continuously monitoring and recording driving behaviour and road conditions, these dashcams empower you to make informed decisions. Real-time data on vehicle activities and driver performance allows you to intervene when necessary, resulting in reduced operational costs, better resource management, and improved overall safety.

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Long exposure shot with person driving car
Shot of rear-view mirror with camera inside of a car

What is an Internet of Things Dashboard Camera?

An Internet of Things (IoT) Dashboard Camera is a game-changer in the world of vehicle safety and management. Unlike traditional dashboard cameras, IoT dashcams leverage the power of artificial intelligence to actively improve your driving experience. These cameras are equipped to anticipate and prevent accidents, provide real-time data, and enable informed decision-making. They are your proactive partners in the quest to keep your team safe on the road.

Our IoT dashcam solution includes a user-friendly web based dashboard that extends the power of these cameras to your fingertips. With the dashboard you can log in from any web-based device, monitor your fleet from anywhere, review video footage, receive real-time alerts and engage in in-cab coaching to promote safer driving habits. The dashboard puts you in control of your fleet's safety and performance.

The package also includes free access to a Driver App which allows the driver to see what the camera is doing and what the camera can see. The driver will have access to the trip data and any incidents reported so they have full visibility of what the fleet manager can see. It also allows the driver to register to the camera so if more than one driver uses a vehicle, they can track who was driving it at the time.

Introducing IoT dashcams into your fleet translates to safer, more efficient, and cost-effective operations. With fewer accidents, improved driver performance, and streamlined processes, you'll experience positive impacts on your bottom line. These dashcams become your strategic advantage in a competitive business landscape.

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Business benefits

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Reduce risk of false claims

Dashcams provide undeniable evidence that can protect your business from false claims. This reduction in legal and insurance costs alone makes them a wise investment.

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Improve driver performance

Through real-time alerts and in-cab coaching, your drivers will not only become safer but also more efficient. Better driving habits mean fewer accidents and more satisfied customers.

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Track progress

Access to real-time data and KPI tracking allows you to monitor your fleet's performance and make data-driven decisions. This, in turn, enhances your business's efficiency.

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Increase safety on the road

The primary goal of IoT dashcams is to make roads safer. By actively preventing dangerous behaviours and accidents, these dashcams protect your drivers and the wider community.

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Cost-effective cameras

Our dashcams offer an excellent return on investment. The cost savings generated by reduced accidents, lower insurance premiums, and improved operational efficiency quickly offset the initial investment.

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Utilising AI to streamline work

The power of AI ensures that you only upload essential data, saving you time, storage space, and resources. It streamlines your work and keeps your focus where it matters most: the safety and success of your fleet.

Features of our IoT dashcams

Road-facing camera

Our dashcams provide a road-facing camera with an array of features. These features act as your vigilant eyes on the road, working relentlessly to keep your drivers and assets safe. Key features include:

  • Tailgating/FCW
  • Stop Sign Violation
  • Posted Speed Limit
  • Lane Drift
  • Harsh Events: Provides warnings for abrupt, potentially dangerous manoeuvres.

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Dashcam facing at road with cars in front
Dashcam facing inside car at a man with face mask

Driver-facing camera

The driver-facing camera is equally advanced, with features such as:

  • Distraction Detection
  • Drowsiness Detection
  • Cell Phone Usage Monitoring
  • Facial Recognition

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In-vehicle video solution

This comprehensive solution goes beyond recording video and offers real-time alerts, in-cab coaching to mitigate risky driving behaviours, event notifications, and video footage for review. With the power of edge AI, you only upload data that is critical, saving storage space and time.

The solution is easy-to-install too. We understand that your time is valuable, so our dashcams are easy to install, ensuring that your fleet can be up and running with minimal downtime.

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Dashcam showing video of road and inside car
In Vehicle Video Platform

In-vehicle video platform

This platform allows you to access data from anywhere, track real-time vehicle location, exonerate drivers in the event of incidents, live-stream video footage, and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs). It's a holistic solution for fleet management.

And when it comes to driver performance, our coaching workflow is designed for simplicity. Fleet managers can effortlessly guide drivers toward safer driving habits, creating a positive impact on overall safety and performance.

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Frequently asked questions

The differences between normal and IoT cameras lie in the level of intelligence and interactivity. IoT dashcams aren't just passive observers; they are active participants in ensuring road safety. Traditional dashcams simply record what happens, while IoT dashcams actively identify risky situations and provide timely alerts. These devices employ AI to analyse driver behaviour and road conditions, actively preventing accidents.

Whatever your size, sector or location, any SME or Enterprise business with a fleet of vans or company cars on the road can benefit from an IoT dashcam solution to improve driver safety and fleet efficiency.

Dashcams leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance functionality. It is employed to monitor driver behaviour, enables real-time alerts and integrates with both desktop and smartphone apps. Cloud connectivity ensures data backup and remote access. Overall, AI in dashcams improves video quality, safety and convenience, making them invaluable tools for the modern fleet.

  • Android 8.1 GO
  • 4G+3G+2G+WIF+BLE
  • Built-in Dual Channel Recording
  • GPS Tracking
  • Live Video on Web & APP
  • Panic Button
  • Locked SIM / TF Card Design
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Customer stories

Bradford Building Grid

Bradfords Building Supplies

Trusted for centuries and requiring an IT and communication transformation, Bradfords Building Supplies turned to Focus Group.

Brighton & Hove Albion FC logo

Brighton & Hove Albion

Focus Group is a long-time partner and supporter of Brighton & Hove Albion help the team both win off and on the pitch.

Courtyard Grid Image

Courtyard by Marriott

The team at Focus Group seamlessly integrated a new and complete communication overhaul for this 4-star hotel.

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