SweetTree turned to Focus Group to help it find the right solution. The answer was a Mitel VoIP platform that gives SweetTree all the future-proofed features and functionality it needs, plus the capacity to cope with future growth and evolving service delivery needs.
"I now have full visibility and day-to-day management of our telephony system, and it's a doddle to add new users or set up call hunt groups. But the moment I need to address a new challenge, Focus Group instantly step into action with hands-on advice and support," confirms Phil.
From enabling hot-desking to initiating a disaster recovery plan that features backup lines and inbound services that keep vital lines open for staff and service users, Focus Group has helped SweetTree gain the control it needs to make its workforce more productive and effective.
Our work included initiating powerful management reporting that evaluates the effectiveness of call routing schemes and, appraises the optimal workforce shift numbers required to cope with call volumes at every hour of every day of the year.
"We operate under strict SLAs that require explicit monitoring of our service quality and operational performance. Today we can instantly generate reports for Councils or NHS bodies showing how quickly we've responded to incoming service user calls - for example - and provide call recordings if required," continues Phil.
"We're also using insights generated by the system to undertake continuous workforce optimisation and identify call centre bottlenecks that lead to extended call wait times - ensuring we've got the right people, in the right place, at the right time."