The DfE is offering Connect the Classroom grants to schools across the UK. This means schools and multi academy trusts will need to search for suppliers that can provide, install and support WiFi hardware that meets the criteria of the funding, e.g. Connect the Classroom funding stipulates the use of WiFi 6 access points and a five-year warranty as a minimum.
Connect the Classroom projects may also require the installation of server racks and data cabinets to host modern core switches and connectivity equipment. Your school may also require fibre connectivity between the core cabinet and any edge cabinets, and CAT6 cabling for any new WiFi access points.
The DfE only provides funding for what appear to be very high spec WiFi solutions. There is a reason for this. New tablets, laptops, PCs and phones will work best in a WiFi 6 environment. When they are connected to older access points, they will simply revert to the lower standards of these and will be less efficient. Even smaller schools that are eligible for Connect the Classroom funding will need to seek out a supplier that can meet the criteria.
But don’t worry! We take care of all the solution design, we help you with your funding application and we provide all the engineering work required for deployment.