The future of hybrid working: how to thrive after COVID-19
Author: Sonia Older | Date published: September 14, 2022, UK | Read est: 6 min read
There’s no denying that COVID-19 changed how we all think about the workplace. Before 2020 we could never have guessed how suddenly and drastically we would have to adapt to working remotely. Though this was an adjustment that was initially met with blockers and problems, over the course of two years companies across the globe have re-evaluated how they view hybrid working. Now, it is considered essential for many industries to offer a flexible working environment, meaning employers are tasked with the responsibility of making sure everything runs smoothly, wherever their workforce is based. A task that is sometimes easier said than done.
The future of work after COVID
For the first time in our history, the future of work is more online than it is physical. It is now considered the ‘easier’ option to allow your employees to work from home than it is to have an office. With 20-25% of the workforce in advanced economies likely to be working remotely 3-5 times a week , there has been a very sudden need for employers to ensure their technology and systems are prepped and ready for hybrid working. Those that don’t may be seen as out of touch, especially in companies that are mostly computer-based.
What are the benefits of hybrid working?
Contrary to popular belief there are many benefits of hybrid working, many employees have noted that when their employees spend some of their time in the office and some time at home, their concentration levels are actually higher. This may be due to the fact that hybrid working has led to a better work-life balance, as well as allowing for parents and those with disabilities to become more involved in areas that have previously been inaccessible to them. Though companies have had to invest in technology to make this a reality, many have found that the savings achieved as a result of reducing office space or ending office contracts far exceeds the costs of hybrid working.
What difficulties can companies face with employees working from home?
The obvious problem with having employees all over the world is that problem solving, especially when it comes to technology, can become a mammoth issue. Whether it’s because of the computer, the systems or something else, it can be hard to QA problems when you have people working all across the country, and potentially in different time zones. On top of that, setting up new employees from home can take much longer, especially when it comes to secure networks and team accounts. Having to get all your services from different providers can lead to large bills, confusing tech support and cyber security risks, which is why Focus Group wanted to create a package to help companies take the stress out of hybrid working.
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How can Digital Workplace help?
Employers in many industries are now expected to offer a flexible working environment, especially when it comes to working from home, global teams and adaptable working hours. With everything moving so quickly, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with the technology involved in keeping a hybrid company afloat, let alone to help it thrive, which is why we at Focus Group came together to create Digital Workplace.
A package for all of your technical, communication, Wifi, collaboration, cyber security and many other needs, Digital Workplace takes care of all the ‘boring’ or time-consuming aspects of your company, so you can focus on pushing forwards with the important parts. Whether you have employees in the office, at home, on the move or indeed a combination, we’re as adaptable as you are - Digital Workplace can be built around each company, meaning that no matter your size, there is a bespoke package for you. With the best prices and best service available, and all in one bill, Digital Workplace gives you the freedom to grow your business, knowing you have all the right technology in place and 24/7 support. Talk. Connect. Desktop and Security; this is Digital Workplace. Find out more today and learn how you can future-proof your company.

Sonia Older
Brand & Campaign Manager
Sonia Older is the Campaign Manager at Focus Group and a highly experienced copywriter. She boasts over 20 years of experience in content marketing and PR across multiple industries, and is the key driver of content and PR for Focus Group across all UK offices. Away from work, Sonia usually swaps keyboard strokes for ski slopes in the Alps with her family.