




Complaints Code

Focus Group make every effort to ensure that our customers are happy with the level of service, and the products and service they receive from us. However, despite our best efforts, things can go wrong. When they do, we want to know so that we can put them right as soon as possible.

Let us put things right

We make every effort to ensure our customers are happy with the level of service they receive from us. However, despite our best efforts, we appreciate sometimes, things can go wrong. When they do, we want to know so we can put them right.

Step 1: Get in touch

In the first instance you can tell us about your issue by getting in touch with our Customer Services Team. The contact details are as follows;

Email: [email protected]
Post: FAO Customer Service, Focus Group, Focus House, Ham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 6PA.
Telephone: 0330 024 2000 option 5

To help us fix things quickly we’ll need some details. Please tell us:

  • Your Focus Group account number. This can be found on your invoice
  • Tell us about the issue, including any supporting evidence you feel is important
  • The resolution you are looking for

Step 2

A member of our Customer Service Team will contact you to provide you with next steps, this may include the assignment of a complaints case handler along with your case reference number. Once you have received this, we will contact you with our initial findings or a request for further information.

We will aim to provide a response and resolution where possible within 10 working days. If additional time is required for us to investigate further, we will of course advise you of this.

Step 3

You will receive a report on our investigation and findings in relation to your complaint. This will include the option to appeal this decision if you are not satisfied with the outcome. If you do not respond to our report within 28 days we will consider the matter resolved.

If you are unsatisfied with the decision and wish to appeal, please notify your complaints case handler within 28 days, stating the reasons for your appeal.

Step 4

You will receive a report on our investigation and findings in relation to your appeal. This will include the option to further appeal this decision if you are not satisfied with the outcome. If you do not respond to our report within 28 days we will consider the matter resolved.

If you are unsatisfied with the decision and wish to appeal further, please notify your complaints case handler within 28 days, stating the reasons for your appeal.

Step 5

You will receive a report on our investigation and findings in relation to your appeal. This will contain the final decision by Focus Group.

Not Happy?

If you are an organisation for which not more than 10 individuals work and following completion of Step 5 above you remain unhappy with our findings and/or 8 weeks have passed since you raised your complaint you have the option to use the ADR Scheme in place with the Communications Ombudsman. We will send you an ADR letter confirming when you are able to take your complaint to the Communications Ombudsman.

See details on the Communications Ombudsman. You can also contact them directly using the following methods:

  • Post: Communications Ombudsman, PO Box 730, Warrington, WA4 6WU
  • Phone: 0330 440 1614 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, and Saturday, 9am to 1pm)
  • Email: [email protected]

If you require any further information regarding our complaint’s procedure, or simply wish to discuss with a member of the team, you can do so by calling 0330 024 2000 using option 5. You can also request a copy of our complaints code free of charge and in any accessible format required (e.g. braille or large font).