




Holiday opening information

Opening Hours

Support: 24x7x365
Sales: Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:30

Christmas Day - Closed
Boxing Day - Closed
New Years Day - Closed
Bank holidays - Closed
All other days operating as normal

Holiday Configurations

We will make contact with you via email in advance of any holiday period in order to request information regarding your holiday configuration setup which will need to be emailed to us before a set deadline in order to ensure your config changes are completed on time. Additionally if you would like to send these into us before hand please email: [email protected].

Information required:

  • Days open/closed across the festive period
  • Where you want your calls to go when open/closed (e.g. normal service and when closed, direct to a mobile)
  • Destinations dependednt on the day(s) closed
  • All numbers or ranges of numbers you wish us to work on

For those who DO NOT have a maintenance agreement, all configuration requests will carry a charge of £60 which will be billed per hour.

Email icon
1. Email us with all information*

Microphone icon
2. Record your own message

Paper plane icon
3. Send recording with task reference number

Holiday configurations: [email protected]

For customer service: [email protected]

We are always here to help

As you might have guessed already, we think it's very important to keep in touch. If you have any issues our team of experts are on the end of the phone to help in any way they can.

0330 024 2000